A note from Rob Fell

Rob Fell is a partner and Head of the Dispute Resolution Department at Travers Smith.

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Travers Smith Dispute Resolution Yearbook.

This really wonderful document is a first for us as a team. We decided in producing it that we wanted to encapsulate within the four corners of one publication those things that we think most mark us out as a distinctive and special practice, in what is a crowded and highly competitive field.

We wanted to create something that drew on our formidable strengths as a broad and deep disputes practice; but which also spoke to the quality of our people, how proud we are of each other, and our togetherness as a team.

We wanted to engage, to provoke thought, and to open a window for those who read this publication into how we as a disputes team operate, and into what motivates and excites us. I hope that we have delivered on these aspirations – there should be something in here for everyone, and there might indeed be many things for many people. But you should be the judge of that.

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Many of the photographs you see of us in this Yearbook were taken before any of us had ever heard of Covid-19; and we have consciously chosen to include them because they are a signal of hope - for ourselves, and for our clients, peers and friends around the world.